Once an order is completed and all its parts and products have passed quality control standards, the next stage is of packaging the products and their shipment. All the products are carefully packaged to prevent any possible damage and deterioration during the shipping process.
Packaging and shipping equipment are an integral part of the infrastructure of every foundry. These products and equipment are used for packaging and delivery of finished goods to their desired destinations.
Various types of boxes and packaging products and equipment are used for packaging of products in foundries. Some of these products include cartons, crates or other packaging products for shipping. Sufficient markings are made on the packaging, parts and as otherwise essential for positive identification for the customer. To ensure complete accuracy and correctness, a dock audit is undertaken before each order is shipped.
TypesSome of the important products and equipment that are used for packaging and shipping purposes in foundries are -
- Bags, Shipping Boxes
- Car Unloaders
- Dock Bumpers
- Pallet Boxes
- Pallets & Skids
- Strapping Steel & Equipment
- Strapping, Non-Metallic Equipment
Packaging Methods
Several packaging methods are available that are chosen on the basis of type of products and the size of order. Every new product is properly reviewed once the suitable design dimensions and handling limitations are known to specify the best packaging and shipping methods. Often special packaging has found to be essential to handle individual units or bulk packaging requirements. Custom packaging is also an option to meet the client specific requirements or to design specialized solutions for domestic or overseas shipments.
Shipment Services
Shipment services may involve moving / shipping the orders to any locations across the world. Generally, the shipping companies provide a team of experts to ease the pressure of transporting of the products. Customers can choose from a comprehensive and cost effective services for packaging and shipping of their casting products from the base to the final destination.
Some important shipment services may include -
- Arrangement and co-ordination of containers and transport
- Secure and seaworthy packing of containers
- Packing inventory
- Documentation including Bills of Lading
- Transport to ports
- Consignment tracking